Problems Finding or Resetting your Security Token in Salesforce?

Arnulf Hsu


on April 29, 2020

When connecting to a Salesforce Sandbox you need to use the Salesforce Security Token method. Production to Salesforce connections use OAuth.

So for Salesforce Security Tokens, normally you would find this under:

From within Salesforce Navigate to your personal settings, enter Reset in the Quick Find box, then select Reset My Security Token.
Click Reset Security Token. The new security token is sent to the email address in your Salesforce personal settings.

However, sometimes this “Reset My Security Token” is missing. Why?

Try Salesforce Troubleshooting here.

Still not Working or missing the Security Token section? There seems to be a Salesforce bug here somewhere.

Paste this into your Browser:


where [YourSalesforceDomainHere] is your Salesforce main domain such as

This hidden page seems to get you there. Hope this helps save some time solving this mystery.

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